i'm in front of king loghaire's cave. i save my game in there, because if i enter e start to attack me? i'm just like... what the hell? i have to talk to you, why are you attacking me? i dont no if it's because my character is like 100% evil and magick type. but... i dont know what to do. so please help me
Do you generally have a low reaction from people, or dwarves in particular? Any additional reaction lowering modifiers (low beauty, background, reputations)?
i'm an elf, and my background is army training. but reputation i have a lot, i have destroyed the most citys.. i dont know if i kill him, a can continue the game.. because if i can continue,.. i dont care if his dead or not.
You can continue if you kill him, though it is a little tricky. He has a note that pushes the plot forward, pointing to a certain direction. Thing is, you will not know on your own how to get there and there will be no Loghaire to mark your map. If you are a necromancer, you can conjure his spirit and make him talk. If not, you'll have to ask random villagers/town dwellers about your destination until you find one that helps you.
i have seen the map on google. but when i reach there i'm supose to talk with raven, but shes not there...
You arrived there too soon for the plot. Raven won't appear until your character learns the location of Qintarra from an NPC.