Hi , everyone. I got the game a couple of days ago. So if you think I'm both a lamer and a newbie you're most probably right. If you think that my English sucks you're probably right too. To all of you thinking any of the latter - please , accept my humble appologies. I'd like to know these: 1) How many perception does one need for master firearms ? 2) What is the bonus for 20 perception ? 3)How many intelligence does one need to be able to get the last tech skills degree / learn the last schematics ? 4) Is the character background a permanent factor or it may be compensated later ? What I mean is this - if I start with background for instance with -6 beauty does that mean that the maximum beaty I could ever get would be 14 or it is 20 again ? 5) I read about the mechanized gun schematics ( repeater rifle + auto loading chamber ) . Does anyone know what is the strength requirement for that weapon ?
1) 18 2) I believe you can see invisible creatures. 3) 19 4) Background penalties are permanent. No 20 Beauty for you! 5) Umm..... I seem to recall it being 12, but I could be mistaken.
The beauty thing was just an example. I started as raised by monks. I asked these because I also liked the " miracle operation " background , but I suspected that as it turned out to be with it I won't be able to get enough dexterity for master picklocks and pickpockets. Thank you for answering me.
3, 9 + a potion of IN from a magic shop. Yes, it works on techies long enough to get schematics & make stuff. Yes, but prowl & spot trap Master is easy.