First of all, I think a lot of people have talked about this throughout time but I can't find anything on the Internet after nearly 2 hours of searching on the Internet, pardon me if this is considered as taking up old subjects. So I was trying to make an evil character so that I could enjoy some more of the humour in Arcanum by recruiting good ol' Geoffrey to my party. My current character is an evil dwarf tech thief (my alignment is -40), level 5. What level is the minimum for adding him to my party? I have Virgil and Sogg Mead Mug in my party and 12 charisma. When I asked Geoffrey to join (before doing the graveyard quest in Ashbury), he said something like "Come back when you've seen more of the world", which I percieve as an indication that I must be of a higher level in order for him to join.