Lord of Halifax has released a new module called <a href="http://arcanumlab.free.fr/mystere.html">Mystery of the Abbey</a>. It's in French so unless you either speak the language or have a French - English dictionary handy you may have some trouble playing it. If you want to give it a go though, you'll find: <br><ul><li>24 quests, <br><li>All dialogs spoken, <br><li>7 original musics, <br><li>Voices from the French forum guys.</ul>Check out some of the screenshots if you want to take a peek: <a href="http://arcanumlab.free.fr/mystere1.jpg">Screen 1</a> | <a href="http://arcanumlab.free.fr/mystere2.jpg">Screen 2</a> | <a href="http://arcanumlab.free.fr/mystere3.jpg">Screen 3</a> | <a href="http://arcanumlab.free.fr/mystere5.jpg">Screen 4</a>. <br> <br><a href="http://arcanumlab.free.fr/mystere.html">You can download the Module from here</a> (click on the thumbnail image top left of the page). It's a 31 Mb beast but given Halifax's track record, it should be well worth it.
Ow fuck, a spambot! It has already posted shits in: - Module discussion - The future of arcanum is in your hands - Site feedback - d00d wtf - Modding and scripting support - Arcanum dialogue and scripts Delete posts & ban & lookup IP & report to ISP (hope it's not a virus, just an idiot spammer with traceable IP) & suggest them to execute the fucking spammer in an expedited procedure.
This is happening more and more often. So much for that Visual Confirmation mod that's supposed to keep them out. :/ I've deleted the Kolsz account and all its posts.
Sorry for not being quicker than you. I just bought Galactic Civilizations 2 and have been playing it way too much.