i've edited the shopmap (the things in the chest) and i saved and exited. (this is on the main arcanum module) when i open up my mod, it just shows the original things (none of my new stuff) what files do i have to change to show my new things?
InvenSource.mes, line 19 is the starting barter list. In the patched stock game, it is in the Arcanum4.dat/rules folder. Also - you will want to make the InvenSourceBuy.mes match the new entries in the InvenSource. ie: If you you added 100, 15021 to InvenSource.mes then add 15021 to the line in InvenSourceBuy.mes.
ok i opened both files but im confused.. for invensource i have to have (number),(number) how do i know the numbers for the items i want to add? edit: nvm i didnt see the instructions
In the Arcanum3.dat/mes folder is description.mes. That gives you all the code numbers. For the InvenSource format: It reads (percent of occurence), (item code). So 100, 15075 reads (100% chance), (coal). Now the first numbers in the line - ie: 2000, 2000 determines the amount of gold the merchant has to purchase things. In this example, the merchant has a 2000% chance of having 2000 gold for his use. In the InvenSourceBuy, the percent number is left off which leaves the item number - 15075 for example - that the merchant will automatically want to buy. Anything not on the merchant's buy list might be bought or rejected depending upon the merchant type. A good example: An inventor will reject herbs. Hope this helps.
ok my line 19 in invensource looks like this: {19}{Starting Barter: 2000,2000 100,6029 100,6030 100,6031 100,6032 100,6037 100,6051 100,6057 100,6059 100,6060 100,6073 100,6081 100,6097 100,6108 100,6164 100,7038 100,7038 100,7038 100,7038 100,7038 100,7038 100,7038 100,7038 100,7038 100,7038 100,7039 100,7039 100,7039 100,7039 100,7039 100,7039 100,7039 100,7039 100,7039 100,7039 100,8050 100,8051 100,8052 100,8053 100,8070 100,8078 100,8094 100,8102 100,8110 100,8118 100,8132 100,8136 100,8283 100,8284 100,10059 100,10059 100,10059 100,10074 100,10074 100,10074 100,10135 100,10135 100,10135 100,10137 100,15084 100,8153} ive added only one item 100,8153 (large dragon skin leather.) however when i open up my mod the starting guy still has only his original things, no dragon skin. do i also have to add the item to the ShopMap chest, or am i doing something wrong? oh yea, and my invensource buy looks like: {19}Starting Barter:{8279 10074 10074 10135 10135 6030 6029 6164 8132 7039 7039 7039 7039 7039 7039 7039 7039 7039 7039 7038 7038 7038 7038 7038 7038 7038 7038 7038 7038 7038 7038 6037 8056 6066 8055 8170 6097 6072 8190 8091 8094 8099 8102 15179 6029 8168 8049 6035 8042 8170 7039 7039 7038 8094 6111 8170 8200 6051 8171 6029 8065 8069 8142 8280 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 15200 15201 15202 15203 15204 15205 8139 8133 8134 8135 8142 8153} that.
Adding the new listing to the InvenSourceBuy is exactly right. Try this - In your Arcanum\modules\Arcanum\maps folder is 85 to 100 oddly named files with no file extention. Delete all of them. The next time you start the game they will be replaced and should contain the new information.
hmm no that didn't work, but i think i found out why.. i have my undatted arcanum1 2 3, and 4 folders in my main arcanum folder with the original dats and whatever. in my modules folder i have an arcanum and xarcanum folder, and dats with the same names. i also have the patch folder/dat and vormantown in the folder. when i open my game, i choose xArcanum in the module selection, and it shows all my new towns and whatnot. so, in theory, shouldn't it be the map folder in the xArcanum directory im deleting? because im not even playing the Arcanum module.. or are they linked somehow? sorry if this is a bit hard to understand, and thanks for all the help
Here's the folder I'm yapping about: http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o314/rroyo/maps.jpg As you can see, the files in question have no extentions like .txt. Select and delete all those files (but leave the folder).
yep, thats what i tried, but it didn't work. i think its cause i'm making my mod on a separate folder (xArcanum)
On the last picture, you're at the right section. Emptying the maps folder contained within should do the trick. If you take another look at the post I made, you'll see it's the same place.
hmm i tried what you said with a different install of arcanum (i keep backups) and it worked. :/ thanks !
well, I am not sure, but if you dont want to have a lot od work with this mes files with a lot of pro nubers, you can just edit content of the shop chest manualy. I mean turn on shop map in editor, and than put to the chest what you want. Ok, I checked it... It dosent work. It works only with changing the set of content by using scroll list in chest window...