I am going to make a drawven mage and i don't know what magicks to learn or what background to have. Can anybody help?
A background that increases WP or CN works well. But as for what spells? What do you want to be. If you go for Only Child, you will have great WP, & the CH of a stone. That makes summoning a good posibility. Or you could go Troll Ofspring for CN & ST, & be a battlemage. SoE, AoF, & the Temporial chain. The only problem you will have is the crash site where Harm will not do you much good at all. You need some other way to kill the wolves.
No problem at all. Rephrasing an old Jewish proverb, "kill a wolf and rest" . As long as you can cast two harms a round, wolves aren't a problem at all.
Harm, with a 10% MA is not very strong. The battlemage is a good way around this. Wham, not zot. Who needs sleep?