As a joke, I designed a mod in which dwarves are really just dwarf humans who decided to get together. They live longer because they don't play football or something. In the mod, I designed a quest where you find out who the dwarves are sleeping with. You eventually come to a room filled with human females living lavishly. Now, isn't that funny? I wrote about the genetics of it. The dwarf gene is on the y chromosome and is always there and only there. So, the women give birth to a normal, human female or a dwarf male. This would also explain a lack of half dwarves, or muls as they are called in Dark Sun. Half dwarves seem to me to be a whole lot more likely than half orcs.
Perhaps, but John Beddoes has done far more research on this topic than you probably have, and he concluded that since humans and dwarves split so long ago, our genetics make any interbreeding impossible. Orcs, on the other hand, split from humans by way of supernatural selection only a few thousand years ago, making our species far more compatible.
For all we know Beddoes has a secret breeding and genetics facility on an uncharted island where he conducts his research. Of course, I suppose you could have the same.... What about Vendigroth? Are you suggesting it was populated by human-dwarf hybrids? For some reason all this talk reminds me of the baby born in South Africa that developed in her mother's liver.
Wasn't that an episode of the X-Files? :lol: Seriously though, biologically speaking it's impossible. The only way to get a bady there in the first place would be through implantation and even then the liver is actually poisonous and would kill off any foetal cells.
No, I'm saying that Vendigroth was wiped out so completely, and their history forgotten so readily by humans, that records of history beyond that point don't amount to a hill of beans. I'm just saying that I don't see any dwarf women running around or deep underground, so maybe there are none. Heck, maybe dwarves reproduce asexually from eggs! Who knows?
Ah, MAJOR difference in what you said and what it was. The foetus itself was not in the liver - infact, in all probability it was nowhere near the liver until it's size made that impossible. It's just that the placenta, which normally attaches to the uterine wall, attached to the liver instead. I can't blame you for getting the wording wrong though - the people who reported it got it all wrong themselves. In such cases, the baby actually makes itself a little 'pseudo-womb' within the body cavity. There would have been no direct contact with the liver at all.
Oh now you're just being picky because you didn't see the news story first! :razz: Next time I'll say the thread reminds me of that embryo that formed a pseudo-womb which attached itself to the blood-rich liver within the abdominal cavity. While we're at it.... Xan, if dwarves reproduced "asexually through eggs", they certainly then wouldn't be suitable mates for humans. For full details, consult Ferret.
Yeah, alright, I was being picky. And if we're quibbling, then since it takes a female to lay eggs (it's kind of what defines female) then you can't have an egg-laying Dwarf. No females. :lol:
AHA! I've got it! Mitosis! I think that's the word. Dwarves divide off eachother just like single-cell organisms. It also explains their longevity....
So wouldn't somebody have noticed by now quite a few dwarven clones walking around? :/ I've wondered why What's-his-nose who sends you to the Stonecutter Clan to look for his brother is so bloody touchy when you ask about dwarven women. Maybe he's a female, eh? Eh?
Nope. First, Dwarves tend to keep to themselves. Second, there is a possibility for mutation, lending to slightly different dwarves. They all like keeping their beards. How telling is THAT that they have similar or almost identical genetic predispositions? Who knows? Maybe they've discovered genetic engineering. Harr harr harr.
Re: Nope. You mean like how every man in Iraq seems to have a Saddam mustache? (Except for that one guy in his cabinet, but that's probably because somebody put a curse upon his mustache!) I suppose the Iraqis reproduce by simple cell division. Course, I've never met an Iraqi. They tend to keep to themselves.
You're right! And those tarps must just be a cover-up! :lol: I can't believe how long you've entertained my illogical notions.