I would like to see drag in Arcanum 2. 1. Dragging corpses to other locations would be useful, perhaps (more assassination-type abilty possible) 2. Being able to put dresses on male characters, that way I could make a more realistic DU character.
I don't understand what you mean in point 2. But as for dragging, it's possible in this Arcanum, even dragging corpses is just to prevent guards from attacking you! You know, I just killed Jacob Benz at night when he goes out the Inn and the other day, I was just passing near a guard I talked to, everything fine until then, the the guard approached the corpse of Benz and attacked me... just remember to hide corpses from eeryone sight!
...And you can drag around objects, like the passport under the couch in that one house by the cemetary in Caladon.
Yes, you can drag That is what I meant by making drag useful... I have tried moving the corpses, but it has never seemed to have any useful effects, and it would be nice to not have to stand right next to something over and over in order to drag it, there should be something more like auto-drag if you want to move it to another location.
He's that guy who wants you to rob the bank, right? Once you rob the bank, immediatly go to any one of the guards or Doc, and tell him that "some rummy in the saloon wanted me to rob the bank for him." That way you get to keep all $500, AND preserve your reputation :grin:
That is quite a dastardly trick...just my style. I will try that. As for corpse dragging, you can do it in Arcanum though I agree, it is really annoying to have to stand next to the corpse to drag it. There ought to be a way to just pick it up, move it, and drop it somewhere else.
Hey the fact that I didn't know shows that I'm fairly innocent to these kinda ideas, you should only feel ashamed if you got it right off the bat.