I don't even know if you're around any more D_6, but I felt like answering your question: I believe there is a faq on the main page of T-A that will answer most-all of your questions about Arcanum, though given how sprawling and multi-choiced Arcanum can be, it may not have all the quests, or all of the possiblities to answer a riddle/quest. I think you've got a good idea, and I myself am going to spend more time in this thread attempting to answer questions, though I know my knowledge of Arcanum is a bit too lacking to answer everything... especially the editing stuff... which is why KoL was abandoned, cause that FUCKING editor is too damn complex for my simple brain. oh, and if there isn't an Faq, speak with Dark Underlord, he probably knows the answer to your question, and if he doesn't, bring the question to me, and I'll help you figure it out, even if it means installing and running Arcanum again. *hasn't done that in AGES*