Troika's last game, Bloodlines, has got a new patch from it's fans. <br> <br><blockquote>Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines unofficial patch 1.6 <br>--------------------------------------------------------- <br> <br>This is an unofficial patch for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines <br>by Troika Games. It is build on Dan Upright's great unofficial patch <br>1.2, which it includes together with its partially corrected readme. <br> <br>To install it extract this archive into your game folder keeping the <br>directory structure intact and backup any files being overwritten if <br>you want to remove it later. <br> <br>This patch attempts to fix many bugs and improve other things but no <br>guarantees are made, since not everything could be tested. It can be <br>installed easily on top of the official 1.2 patch from Troika Games. <br> <br>Confirmations of fixes marked with a "*" would be nice, also reports <br>of any other problems, glitches and non-crashing bugs that have been <br>missed up until now. <br> <br>Not done (impossible?): <br>----------------------- <br>When using the console be sure to activate it from the menu only. <br>Before reinstalling the official 1.2 patch clean up the registry. <br>Sometimes Beckett stays in his animal form when first meeting him. <br>Game may hang on Beckett's "wait" cutscene, reload or use sewers. <br>Nosferatu and Tremere havens do miss the food critic quest reward. <br>In Mings hideout the bar may not move, just reload until it does. <br>Some feed victims stay in trance so don't bite quest related ones. <br>The news report a bloodbath even if you just sneak-killed Johnny. <br>Tremere Bloodshield stays until it is exhausted, this is no error. <br>Stuttering and slowdowns are memory related, use at least 512 MB. <br>If a container auto-closes right-click the objects to choose them. <br> <br>v1.6 <br>---- <br>All dialogues were spellchecked for typos and more by Paul Moloney. <br>Several mistyped variables found could provide additional dialogues. <br>Fixed variables in texts of Ash, Bertram, Boris, Venus and Mitnick. <br>Corrected still not working Hitman quest fix and other related bugs. <br>Adjusted damage values of Steyr Aug, SWAT rifle and Ithaca shotgun. <br>Lowered lockpicking skill needed for chemical substances door to 10. <br>Prevented triggering the building scene before getting Muddy quest. <br>Made Model Citizen quest show failure directly after leaving Tawni. <br>Cleared up the log texts of the Muddy quest and Pishas occult quest. <br>Reconstructed lip-synchro for the misplaced Isaac text moved by Dan. <br>Re-branded Uzi, Mac 10, Glock 17c, Ithaca and both Remingtons guns. <br>Fixed double option with wrong link in the dialogue file of LaCroix. <br>Renamed Purge to Blood Purge and spellchecked all other text files. </blockquote> <br>Good thing somebody spellchecks the game six months after its release, it was a feature I really missed last when I played it last Christmas. <br> <br>You can get the patch from any of these locations: <br><a href="">Worthplaying</a> <br><a href="">3DGamers</a> <br><a href="">Fileplanet</a> <br> <br><B>Spotted @</b> <a href="">RPG Codex</A>
Well I thought everyone should go to the Codex to find out and hopefully click their ads generating money for our host.