I really liked the combat engine. I would like to also see some larger monsters, though. Like : a) Ettins b) Trolls c) Dragons d) Giants e) Banthas f) Sand-Worms g) Sarlac You see, all games go easy on the players because one way or another, you end up killing the beasts. Maybe if the game had random attacks on the city from some opposing army ... like all of a sudden the Goblin Army decided to attack Dernholm in it's weakend state ... you have to either: a) defend the city b) run away c) aid the goblins d) do nothing and watch OR ... Maybe a Dragon decides he wants to re-clain the lost bones that are in the Museum. So he flies over the city and attacks, randomly destroying buildings and people ... and maybe ... key persons like the trainers ... OR ... Maybe a group of adventurers like yourself decide they TOO are looking for that particular item you have and will take it at all costs.
Yup all of those would be a blast! Hey Menkhur you sound like you've played UO online once or twice artyhat:
Hel Kat ... I have played so many games in my life that I can not understand WHY I haven't gotten to make one myself .... Which in fact is going to become my pet projecet, now that I knkow how to use the Ver 1.0.74 WorldEd. If all things go as planned (and they never do) I should start a Mod next week. That is, if I do not become a father first ....
That one, at least, they defined as extinct. Giants & Trolls, & lots of others should have been there from the start.
definitely tougher monsters especially later in the game I only had two fights that were even a little challenge ever the first was lukan and his ogre's the first time I played it (well the first few) I thought he might have been just a hair too tough for that early in the game but that was actually nice made you have to strategize the other was stringy pete and he was a bad mf no matter when you fight him everything else was like slash dead next hack dead next kinda boring
I had trouble with Kerghan from the start, before I installe the patch. At first, a bunch of gore guards would pop out of the ground, and I would have to run around to stay alive, but the patch removed them, and now Kerghan is way too easy.
Imo monsters shouldn't be too tough. Right now I play Half-Ogre Dodge/Melee tank and I can't defeat Stringy Pete. I can kill him and one or two of his crew but the rest dispatch me easily.
The game is not about being invincible. Sometimes a simple pickpocket will save you ages in play time. Some things are better off left alone ... Like Stringy Pete.
yeah but he's got really good stuff. You just have to strategize, and of course save first so you can try three or ten times. And no I absolutely don't want to be invincable just the opposite I want more hard fights (although certainly not as hard as pete at least not most of them)
We need stronger monsters, and better weapons. Like the ones on Fallout. Those monsters are tough, (specially with those cool laser and machine guns and the rocket launchers) but the weapons are awesome, too, with those death animations, instead of a random death ani. I mean, how many times does a wolf fall in half when you shoot it with a bullet?
COOL! I was one of the originals and i played it for YEARS, I was an elf named "Eros Rex" and had a guild of over eighty people at one time (ELS) we were one of 3 major elven guilds at the time on the Pac shard 3 Hey Menkhur your gonna be a dad soon coolness that will put an end to your game making daze :razz: I'm gonna be an Uncle in November 0 Hey how about Giant Earthwyrms! they'd come from underground and pull you under if you didn't blast or cut them fast! The could also pick you up and throw you....