I would like to post some ideas on balance issue for Arcanum expansion, as if it would be a possible release. Spell : Unlock Cantrip : Include a comparison of Character Magic Apt. with the lock magic resist. Spatial Distortion : half fatigue cost. Poison Vapours : Unit in tile make save every second/round. Fireflash : -25%damage. Cost 1 more AP in turn-based. Squall of Ice : Unit in tile make save every second/round. Bolt of Lightning : Half damage, but make every enemy on the bolt's path takes damage. Disintegrate : Increase casting delay in real-time, increase AP cost in turn-based. Resisted by CN-15. Polymorph : Fatigue upkeep according to enemy resist, WP and LV. Regenerate : Heal life for party in radius as long as the spell is maintained instead. Harm : half damage, include a shorter range to the skill. Orcish Champion : Reduce its damage. Guardian Ogre : Lower its attack and movement speed. Familiar : Reduce its damage. Hasten : increase 50% speed instead. Tech items : Accelerate Healing : Heal=Heal rate every 5 sec/rounds instead. Anaesthisizer : Add fatigue damage. Charged Ring : Add 2 speed point instead. Tesla Rod : Lower its min damage to 1. Molotov Cocktail : No knock back, lower damage. Cost more AP to use. Explosive Grenade : Lower damage, increase radius of effect. AP cost up. Hushed Revolver : Increase its damage. Looking Glass Rifle : Lower its damage to 20-25, lower its speed. Hand Cannon : Lower its speed. Balanced Sword : lower its speed by 5. FeatherWeightedAxe : Lower its damage. Fix : Throwing Grenade now cost more AP, equal to the speed in real-time. Enemy can cross some stairway/portal to chase you in combat. Some ladder/Heavy door can not be used in combat. (To reduce chance of escaping some importent combat) Firearm Expert can half the penalty of called shot. Learing Spell/Skill/Tech now check your character's basic statistics, not the statistic with wearing, drugs and spell effect. Because learning require time, and using gear to learn do not teach you better. These are some I could think of today.