<A href="http://www.avault.com/">AVault</a> has come up with a <a href="http://www.avault.com/reviews/review_temp.asp?game=arcan">review </a> of everyone's favorite RPG released last month, <a href="http://www.arcanum1.com/">Arcanum</a>. They gave it a whole <b>3.5/5</b> stars(the bastards), and sited <i>quirks</i> as the main problem with the game.<p><blockquote><br>Fighting is an essential part of Arcanum , but it's not the only action that players can partake in. Depending on a player's specialization, there may be ample opportunities to interact with the world of Arcanum. Thieving characters can quietly (or clumsily) prowl to avoid detection, as well as pick pockets, disarm traps, and pick locks. Players focusing on other specializations can learn to haggle with merchants, improve their gambling aptitude, practice their art of persuasion, or heal the sick. If you desire the technologist's life, you can attempt to create machines and other concoctions once you discover the appropriate components and schematics.<br></blockquote><p>I spotted this over at <a href="http://www.avault.com/">AVault</a> oddly enough.<br>