Hi all Just finished playing through arcanum (again) and actually got around to completing it (weeee). Anywy, somethhing i realised is that the arcanum system is really, really good, and would be ace fun to play as a tabletop RPG or the likes. Is there any sort of books or texts that give a list of arcanum "rules"? The manual is handy, as it actually just playing the game, but it doesnt really get into the mechanics of it all. Maybe im just anal retentive, but im much happier knowing percentages and stats. Ive searched google and the likes, but turned up nothing. Anyone know anything? Thanks all. PS yes im a newbie, please be nice and dont rip me a new one. PPS im also aware i need to get out more and stop playing tabletop RPGs.
Pen and paper RPGs are just far too frustrating and argument break out faster than a UN meeting. Yes you really should go out and find a nice group of angry people and let them raise you for a couple of years than form and opinion or idea and keep it too yourself (why the hell am I writing this?{uh that wasn't the opinio you had to form[or was it!?]})