There's nothing like being hacked to make you poke around a server and go "Hey, I remember that". Seems that old <a href="">Arcanum Modding Tutorial</a> that I wrote years ago has been hiding. Hiding so much google doesn't even find it anymore. Well, it's time I kicked it a bit and shoved it back online. Rather than the subdomain, it's now sitting in a sub-directory on the server here: <a href=""></a> I also noticed that pretty much all the links on the site were broken. I fixed most of the broken links so you could find things again. Thankfully all of them were sitting in <a href="">our downloads section</a> for the most part anyway. I did however, <a href="">upload Dgale's Facades list so that you can view it online now</a> (only the downloadable version was previously available). Right. Hopefully that'll be enough for google to re-index it again.
Popped up fine for me after a quick little test search. Now if only I could muster up the desire to mod at the moment.