Followers can use found schematics, higher level cap, pick characters such as raven, virgil, torian kel, sogg mead mugg, magnus, etc., more spells, technology. Your very own Vendigrothian Automobile! More places like Madame Lil's, and better maps like this: Moving cursor over a location of the map gives you a description of the place. I move cursor over Madame Lil's building and it tells me name of place location, street, city coordinates. Teleportation allows you to choose specific coordinates to go to without there being one of those red dots there. Coordinates with decimals can take you to a specific location of the city for example 233.55 W, 247.13 S, see the decimals?
Great ideas.... I have also found it annoying how you cant teleport anywhere on the map, you need a red dot.... that HAS to go.... (I guess the reason is because you arent supposed to teleport to the Isle of Despair, and to do that, the programmers put on a little "noteleport" string that needs specific coordinants to work.... It was easier doing it for just the dots then the entire Isle of Despair) Also, I agree with the Vendigroth idea.... After all, I LOVE vendigroth (and that will be my website name: Vendigroth) and after all: "Arronax returned to the Vendigroth Wastes and single-handidly raised the city from the ruins it had become. Vendigroth again became a place of awe and wonder". In other words, there should be the option to travel to a large and glorious Vendigroth, as well as much more technology originating from it.