I realize there are couple threads dealing with this issue. However, I haven't found that really solves my issue... I am patched up to the most recent and I have both the unoffical + resolution patch as well. I think both done by drog black tooth. I can get the game going and all. However, at the character creation the mouse icon kinda freezes and replicates itself and then icon stops showing. However, the game itself still detects the mouse as I can (if I am lucky to find it) highlight a stat and add to it However, this issue makes it near impossible to continue on with the game. The things that I have tried so far are... switch compatibility to win xp sp2 run admin added -doublebuffer to target to Arcenum.exe The only thing I can thing of mentioning is this is a gog download and I have Nvidia video card. Hope someone help as this seems to be an excellent game.