I know it's not exactly on Vampire, but it is WhiteWolf related. Has anybody played Mage? To me, it's simply the best magic system ever created for tabletop. So much freedom, so much creativity. The best thing WhiteWolf has done, as well. It did require a mature and artisitc playing group, all of whom had to know the rules backwards and forwards without being rules lawyers. Hard to come by, so I only played in two campaigns, but they were the best tabletop campaigns I've ever played. So I'm asking, do you think it would be possible to translate Mage to computer (by Troika -- nobody else should even try)? I'm thinking no, at least not until quantum computers become readily available to the mass market. But it would be SO COOL!
i dont know what the system is... how do you create your characters? what kind of die do you use? is it d20 system or dot system? (d20=dnd style dot system = vampire style). or is is completely different? describe it... if its d20 then its been incorporated into games numerous times, and if its the dot system i'd say fallout/arcanum are already pretty damned close to it...
First, man your sig is annoying. At least just get rid of the fuck you. What, did you just learn the words? I don't mean to flame, but, really, I do anything I can to skip past your messages now. Chris Farley was bad, but this is just lame. Anyway, now that that's done, Mage is a WhiteWolf game, World of Darkness, like Vampire and Werewolf and Wraith and Changeling, and I don't know, maybe something else. So it's D10 only. It has dots, too, but is nothing like Arcanum or SPECIAL. If you played the first Vampire game, you've seen a stripped down version of it. Basically, you put points into something, and then you have as many dice to roll as you have in that something. Also, usually skills are ability-dependant. Thus, you have three dice in Strength and two in Hand-to-Hand, so you roll five dice. There is a difficulty rating for certain actions, sometimes based on your opponent's skills or rolls or armor or countermagic or somesuch. Or just the difficulty of the skill. For instance, if you want to grab a chandelier, swing on it, land in a tumble and roll up into striking position, you would roll Agility + Acrobatics. Let's say I have two dice in dex and 4 in acrobatics. I would roll six dice. This is really hard, so it'd be difficulty 9. So out of my six dice, I need at least 1 nine not to fall, three to do it well, and five to look supersmooth. The deal with Mage is that there are no spells. You can do hatever you want within your power range. So, with Forces 3, you could send objects flying around the room (kinetic energy), hurl a fireball, have electricity leap out of a power line at your enemy, levitate. With Life 3, you could induce a heart attack, haste yourself, cure a disease, create a new form of bacteria, and pretty much anything else you could think of. It's more complicated than that, a lot more. If you're curious, buy the book. So anyay, you can see why this would be so hard to translate to a game. Guess I was just wondering if anyone has some really creative idea about how it could be done.
wow, this post is old. Let's see if anyone still read this.... I .... personally don't think Mage:The Acension can be put into CRPG with its real taste. The way they seek enlightenment, could only be compared by Planescape:Torment, the way they use magic, MAN, it would give the programmers real headache. They have to code every little bit of combinations, with 9 spheres at 5 levels, that's 59049 spells for very least, not counting even at first level with one sphere, there is numerous applications as long as your imagination flows. The only way to translate it well, I think is putting in only the rote, and many other common practice. The other concern is the paradigm, how they cast their spells. It might be viable like background in Arcanum, but how about corporate casting? spending of quintessence and focus, well these are easy but the amount of efforts needed to be done is just immense.
I just wish there was a way to implemate malkavian and tsimize powers to their fullest in the regular vampire games.
Dementation is viable, but the programmers have to script every "most feared thingie" variables on every NPCs, giving them derrangments would render the programmers derranged :lol: Not just Tzimisce, many disciplines are quite impossible to implement, and I wonder how they do Dominate, as most situations have to be done through dialogues, but how are they incorporate this in combat situations?