okay, i just started a new game. i go through the main quest like you're supposed to. i had just got off the Island of despair and i go report to Gilbert bates on what i found. I encountered the evil guy (can't remember his name) and made it to the Wheel clan entrance. but when i get there, there is nothing there. only a big wall of rock. and yes i have the wheel clan spectacles. i got them from the dwarf on the Isle. i travel a while left and right looking for the entrance, but all i find is more mountains. anyone know if this is a glitch? :/
you have to step in the squared off area in front of the mountain with the glasses on and the entrance will be there. Once its opened, you don't need the glasses anymore. Parmanian
Try I had it not open for me once, too. Ideas: Make sure you are standing in the square that lets you see it. Try taking them off, then putting them back on. Try leaving, and coming back. Combine the above.