Disabling Intro Cinematics (Here's how)

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Iazu, Dec 28, 2002.

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  1. Iazu

    Iazu New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 11, 2002
    Ok, for those of you who get tired of having to escape past the intro movies every time you start the game. Here's a way to disable them.
    • First, go to the folder "..\Arcanum\modules\Arcanum\movies\" and rename the file "50000.bik" to anything else. This gets rid of the two knights movie that appears after the Arcanum loading screen.
    • Then, download this file and extract it to your arcanum folder keeping folder names intact. This should make two folders under "..\arcanum\data\" named "TIGCache" and then "movies" and in the movies folder are two files, "SierraLogo.bik" and "TroikaLogo.bik". Make sure that those two folders and files are set to read only (right click and select properties to check).

    That should do it. If you're curious all I did was download the RAD video Tools from http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm and make a video file that was only 1 frame long and and then replace the two logo movies with that file renamed :)

    Now, if you're wary of downloading my file, and I don't blame you if you are since I'm a new member and haven't proven myself to be trustworthy, here's how to do it on your own without downloading my zip file.
    • First, go and download the RAD video tools from http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm and scan it for viruses with your scanner of choice. Then install them.
    • Now open up an image editing program (photoshop, MSpaint, etc) and make a black bitmap (.bmp) that has a width of 800 pixels, a height of 400 pixels, and a color depth of 32 bits. Then save it.
    • Open the RAD video tools and find the bitmap you just made. Select it and press the big button that says "Bink it!" This'll open up a window with all sorts of settings. You can safely ignore most of them, just make sure the setting "Scaling Compression" is set to "No Scaling"
    • Press the "Bink" button on the right hand side of the panel. This'll make a file named "Untitled-1.bik".
    • Go into your "..\arcanum\data\" folder and make a folder named TIGCache and set it to read-only (right-click, properties, check the read-only box). Then, in the TIGCache folder you just made, make a folder named movies and set it to read only. This takes care of the folders.
    • Then copy the file you made (Untitled-1.bik) into the new movies folder and make a second copy (right-click-drag on the file and select copy here). So now there should be two files in the movies folder, one named "Untitled-1.bik" and another named "copy of Untitled-1.bik" or something similar.
    • Rename these two files. Name one "SierraLogo.bik" and the other "TroikaLogo.bik" and set them to read-only. It's very important to set them to read-only because otherwise the game will just overwrite them with the original files and you'll have wasted all your work. Also, even though I haven't tested it, assume that capitalization is important and keep the file names and folder names exactly as I have them written here.

    That's it! ;) If you follow these directions you should have no more intro movies.
  2. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2002
  3. Iazu

    Iazu New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 11, 2002
  4. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 29, 2002
  5. Deathmage

    Deathmage New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 28, 2002
    ...I just press escape...and that skips it. I don't really mind that, because I want to see what EXACTLY is that Magickal Sword Knight wearing. He/She's underwear could be seen!! :-o
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