
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Grossenschwamm, Oct 27, 2011.

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Have people truly quit smoking if they now use an E-Cigarette?

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  2. No

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  1. TheDavisChanger

    TheDavisChanger Well-Known Member

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    Feb 6, 2009
    For those affected by Asperger's who don't want to bother giving emotions substance, I recommend Scientology.
  2. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Chiropracters are the real whores.

    Get yourself an old chinese doctor for acupressure.

    Hmm, as to physical causes and literal chemical imbalances, well that's what I'm talking about too.

    The nerve-muscle control and massage assume all things being equal (sleep and nutrition etc) and deal with it on an experiential, organismal scale instead of a molecular scale which can be very useful indeed.
  3. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    Now that you mention it, I do have a considerable amount of money just lying around that I had no further use for than to decrease my thetan level. Plus, fucking MOVIES.

    It's interesting that so many people don't realize how much their diet can affect their mental well-being. Tryptophan is found in just about every animal tissue and plant, and is one of the amino acids not naturally produced by human metabolism. We need it, though, because it builds proteins on top of metabolizing into two very important chemicals; serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin, as a neurotransmitter, aids in mood stabilization and sedates us, while melatonin acts as a neurohormone and influences our circadian rhythm. As a result of upping my intake of foods with tryptophan, I've been able to naturally keep out of depression, though sleep still escapes me.
    A friend of mine is unfortunately going to go completely vegan, and does not believe in supplementation. The downside of this is that people going vegan without proper supplementation eventually become deficient in vitamin b12, which is not produced in the body and aids in nerve function and brain health. Unless he grows all of his produce and doesn't wash the dirt off before eating it, he'll run out in at most 10 years (depending on how much he's got in his liver right now). That's if there's cobalt in the soil for the microorganisms and the plants to even make it. Thing is, plants have no nervous system, and neither does any single-celled animal, and therefore they don't need the b12 they make. People with no b12 undergo horrible degeneration to their nervous systems that can lead to complete lack of sensation, absent reflexes, and dementia, on top of GI tract issues. Plus, with too little b12, tryptophan can't turn into serotonin! Hopefully, he'll change his mind about the supplementation part, because all commercial b12 is made by bacteria and is therefore vegan.
  4. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

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    Dec 30, 2007
    You should know that people should be really happy that they can get help to get rid of their addictions. I quitted smoking and other more dangerous addictions without getting help. I asked for this. But. No. They were too fucking busy. So I had to do this by myself. And I won. A very strong will is very important for this.

    Also, if you isolated people from the addictions, they always find a way to get it.
  5. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    I actually ended up going to rehab. For pot.

    Just wanted to let that sink in.

    Everyone around me was like "You've got to finish up this program so we can trust you again...!"
    Didn't learn a damn thing. I had already not touched anything in about 2 months when I started. All I heard was Mr. Mackey;
    "Drugs 'r bad, mmmkay?"

    I was told to keep off the street drugs and prevent myself from self-medicating, but if my psychiatrist gave me benzodiazepines (for sleep or anxiety), I should just shove those in my mouth.
    "When you're self medicating, all you're doing is maintaining a false sense of security, and you're not actually curing yourself."
    "Aren't most psyche meds given to maintain some semblance of sanity? No psyche med can actually 'cure' what it's given to treat. How is pot any different?"
    "Pot is illegal, so it's bad for you."
    Forget that having to cycle through dozens of meds can irreparably damage a person's liver, as well as induce serotonin toxicity and desensitize a person to serotonin (oh, but there's a drug for that, too!).
    Meh. It's November. 7 months free.
  6. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

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    Dec 30, 2007
    Atleast you got help. Even if you did not want to. How much does a rehab even cost? Do they ask money for each different addictions that you may have. Or are any addictions included in the price that you have pay in a rehab.
  7. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2011
    Special offer: Pay to be cured of one addiction, get another removed for free!
  8. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    If you have the right health insurance, rehab for any addiction should be covered, especially if your policy covers mental health issues.

    People were all over the place at rehab;

    One guy was trying to stop shooting up on heroine, a few people were alcoholics, one woman was trying to get off coke, but pretty much everyone was court-ordered to be there. Except for me. I was lucky and had my charge negotiated down to disorderly conduct, which in itself doesn't make sense, but it costs a lot less to pay for a summary offense than it does to pay for a misdemeanor. Plus, I won't have a drug charge to explain to any future employers. Of course, if I get caught for the same ol' shit again, I'm sure it'll be a misdemeanor like it was before I negotiated my plea, because the court docket still lists it as a misdemeanor for some reason.

    Still, I was going to satisfy my family and friends, as well as on the off chance that rehab would be court ordered. That way, should it become mandatory, I already had so many weeks served. This country is way too far up its own ass.
  9. Royaltramp

    Royaltramp New Member

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    Jan 25, 2007
    Being somewhat of a chemistry, pharmacology and drug geek, I thought I'd input here, despite mostly lurking and not actually posting here in forever.

    There are several ways to ingest drugs, both medicinal and recreational, for example:
    - Oral, aka eating/drinking
    - Sublingual (Held under the tongue)
    - Insufflation (Snorting)
    - IM: Intramuscular Injection
    - IV: Intravenous Injection
    - Smoking
    - Vaporising

    With nicotine, all of these are effective routes of administration.

    Oral provides the longest effects but requires the largest amount and has a long onset, meaning that it is very easy to overdose and poison yourself, which is why you don't see many people swallowing tobacco.

    Sublingual is less dangerous than oral since it comes on a lot quicker and requires a smaller amount than oral, and that's why chewing tobacco is quite popular. It still has its risks though and it is surprisingly easy to overdose this way believe it or not.

    Insufflation is another fairly active route, and because of its rather short duration and quick action, snuff is popular and you would have to snort a very large amount in a very short time to risk overdose, making it quite safe too.

    IM and IV simply aren't possible with tobacco, you'd need pure nicotine or a nicotine solution. Since this is the most potent ROA it'd be easy to kill yourself if you didn't know how much you were taking, and pure nicotine is hard to come by. Though a related method is Transdermal, which I forgot to mention, aka patches - they are quite potent but the nicotine is released over time - unfortunately sometimes they can mess up leading to overdose.

    Now, we finally get to the main point: Smoking vs Vaporising.

    These are two separate routes of administration, the effects differ slightly, and vaporising is NOT smoking and should never be considered the same. E-cigarettes are miniature vaporisers. The name is more for advertising purposes, there is no actual smoking involved. Are they safer than cigarettes? Most definitely. Particularly since a lot of the health risks associated with smoking are actually due to the harmful adulterants in commercial cigarettes, since pure natural tobacco is not very carcinogenic at all (no more so than peanuts!)

    ...But, having said that. A person switching to E-cigarettes may have quit smoking, but of course, he/she is still using the same drug, so can not claim to be "clean" or "drug free", or to have "kicked the habit" - all they have done is switched up route of administration, albeit to a much healthier one :)

    @Grossenschwamm, yeah, rehab is rather "How about we switch you over to our drugs" more than actually getting clean in many cases. It's the same reason I'm annoyed when people say they only drink alcohol, so they are "drug free", or they only smoke weed, so they are "drug free".

    Society needs to grow up and stop splitting classification - drugs are drugs are drugs. All have pros and cons. Some people will use some, some will use others.

    In my experience, addiction to smoking is more psychological than a physical addiction to nicotine. Rolling a cigarette or joint, lighting it, and smoking while having a nice conversation is a fun ritual - as is going out for smoke breaks. It's social, brings people together, and it gets to be one of the things you enjoy every day. If you want to quit, I'd suggest changing those habits BEFORE you quit smoking itself, or it'll be incredibly difficult and you'll be left with constant cravings. For this reason I've never been addicted to smoking - because I simply don't make it a routine, I don't light a cigarette every time I join someone on a smoke break, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I don't light a cigarette with my morning coffee - only when I feel like it. Thanks to this I've been able to smoke a pack or two a day for long periods of time and then stop cold turkey without so much as a minute of thinking "Shit I want to smoke".

    ^ And, along those lines, that's another thing that can help. Rather than saying "I have to quit, and never smoke a cigarette again", just cut down, or take a break. One of the main damaging aspects of smoking is that the cilia that line your airways get damaged, meaning your lungs stop cleaning themselves. If you take a break for just two weeks, your lungs can clean out a huge amount of tar. So if you're having a lot of trouble quitting - take a two week break every now and then, and you'll dramatically improve your health - and life expectancy! Plus, with regular breaks, if the time comes, it's easier to quit for good.

    Hope this helps :)
  10. Xyle

    Xyle Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2011
    Well, I am thankful that you did anyways. And what you wrote makes sense... I had read in Reader's Digest that the facial expressions does the same thing; e.g. Smile and you increase your feelings of happiness, frown and you decrease your feelings of happiness.

    But while knowing the relationship between the body and the emotions is useful and helpful, it doesn't provide me with the Name of the emotion.

    Frigidity and froideur don't work as it deals with your relationships with other, and I was warm to others ... but not to myself?

    Like ytzk said, it was as if my heart chakra was frozen. I couldn't express my own emotions but, like ice's sensitivity to heat, had an increased sensitivity to the emotions of others.
  11. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    Frowning also burns more calories. A good diet, regular exercise, and plenty of situations that make you frown will make your face look less fat, and more like Jack Bauer's.
  12. Xyle

    Xyle Member

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    Mar 11, 2011
    I thought that smiling used more muscles, therefore it was easier to smile than frown. So wouldn't smiling burn more calories as you are exercising more muscles? Or is the degree of resistance: the more muscles to smile provides greater passive resistance to frowning than frowning's passive resistance to smiling?
  13. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

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    Feb 22, 2011
    Which uses more calories - typing out a response to someone, or punching them in the face?
  14. Xyle

    Xyle Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 11, 2011
    Depends on how long the response is VS hard you hit the person. But I think you would have burned more calories hitting me than typing out that short response.
  15. ytzk

    ytzk Well-Known Member

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    Sep 30, 2010
    Hmm, okay Xyle. Having reviewed the symptoms you presented, I'd say it was Chakra #5 that was blocked and the problem was that you couldn't express your homosexuality to your abusive parents, fundamentalist church nor your telepathic-symbiont female.

    Good luck with that. :monkey2:
  16. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

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    Feb 21, 2006
    You got that backwards. Smiling uses about 18, frowning uses 43.
  17. TheDavisChanger

    TheDavisChanger Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2009
  18. Constipation

    Constipation New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 21, 2010
  19. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

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    Dec 30, 2007
    What about being sad or angry? How much face muscles do you use then? Will you use equally, less or more muscles than smiling or frowning?
  20. Smuel

    Smuel Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2011
    What about when you're reading something and you're slightly surprised and also slightly disappointed at the same time?
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