Most fun character

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Twizman, Dec 7, 2008.

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  1. DokEnkephalin

    DokEnkephalin Member

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    Dec 5, 2008
    I'm trying a purely unarmed, physical adept type, also escaped lunatic, and running solo. It's still early yet, but I can't get over how easy it is to provoke people and how easy it is to rip them up bare-handed. I'm using a mix of early-level elemental magic and herbology, and I'm not sure whether I'm going to rely more on tech or magick in the late game.

    EDIT: Spoke too soon; ran into my first golem at level 17. Punching stone hurts, even with war gauntlets.

    One thing about the lunatic background is that your reaction penalty is so high you practically have to ingratiate yourself to people just to hold a conversation with them, so it's all too easy to eventually snap and let them all have it. It's also fun to see which people intimidation works on better.
  2. Twizman

    Twizman New Member

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    Dec 7, 2008
    Dok that's really cool. This game is amazing how anything can happen with people fighting you.

    With the trap setting guy whoa you have a lot of patience!

    Hmm I wonder if there is a level by level guide for a really fun class. I'm too scared to experiment with one myself out of fear that it would fail! And I've restarted this game too many times :)
  3. papa_dog_1999

    papa_dog_1999 Well-Known Member

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    Aug 14, 2008
    Failure is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Failure is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD. (with apologies to Spock)
    Failure is a lone level 4 halfling with a wooden boomerang that thinks he’s going to make the world his bitch and tells Lukan and friends to ‘fuck off’.

    Failure is part of Arcanum and oft leads to humorous experiences. Afraid of failure? Wah. Try iron manning sometime.

    Now the restarting I can sympathize with. Just run a series of backup saves. That way you can go back and fix those bad decisions.
  4. DokEnkephalin

    DokEnkephalin Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2008
    I mispent points on my first char, but it still turned out pretty good. As long as you master at least one good offensive skill or spell tree and max the appropriate stat, you should be good. And if it looks like you're failing, stock up on plenty of heals.
  5. DokEnkephalin

    DokEnkephalin Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2008
    This build really rocks pretty hard solo. Spent 0 on strength, maxed intelligence for the spells. With just 16 dex you can cast Air, Fire, Earth, Hardened Hands and Shield in the first round, and with just 16 con + Air you have the heal rate to sustain them. The stat bonuses will also get you the 20 point perks.

    As a solo, it's very easy to lead enemies to battle on your own terms, but I never had problems when swarmed, unless they're weapon or armor damaging, and even then I beat Kergan in my underwear.

    Mechanized Gauntlets give a +15 to max damage, which is better than most non-magick weapons, Vendigrothian War Gauntlets also give that but without the DR. I suspect, but don't actually know, that Hardened Hands gets better dam with higher mag aptitude, and higher apt hasn't caused any crit failures for the gaunts.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Hardened Hands just adds +2 normal damage to your unarmed attacks, it's not dependent on magick-tech aptitude.
  7. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    In my opinion that's a spell they really should have put more effort into (as if though the same doesn't apply to most other spells). Being a tougharse monk eschewing conventional weaponry for BURNING BITCH-PUNCHING FISTS OF ELDRITCH FIRE would have been kinda cool.
  8. Archmage Orintil

    Archmage Orintil New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 18, 2007
    The DM Fiat class. Only those that are willing to host a game qualify.
    But this is for Arcanum and there are no classes. We're in a pickle now aren't we?
  9. Viktor_Berg

    Viktor_Berg New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 23, 2006
    Don't you have Body of Fire for that?

    But I agree, damage scaling based on MA would be more logical.
  10. ville-v

    ville-v New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 29, 2005
    Spells should fail critically.

    "You attemped to teleport, but casted Quench Life on yourself. Shit happens."

    "You attemped to summon an orcish champion, but summoned a demon instead. Guess what, it attacked you!"

    "You attemped to cast Unlocking Cantrip, but a flaming flamingo exploded on your face. This is world of fantasy and full of surprises!"
  11. Viktor_Berg

    Viktor_Berg New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 23, 2006
    Yeah, right now a pure mage can wear an Electro Armor, and other techie stuff no problem.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    That's not true, tech armor becomes much weaker if worn by a magickally inclined character. The problem is that the game just doesn't show magick penalties, it shows only bonuses.

    Here are the penalties for Electro Armor, for example:
    AC:-10 DR:-15 FR:-10 ER:-75
  13. DokEnkephalin

    DokEnkephalin Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 5, 2008
    I did not know this; about hardened hands or the tech penalties. It's still pretty workable build with low str, mag-heavy, but if you wanted to do a tech-heavy version, it'd need the smithy skills and max strength to wear the armor.

    Atm making an idiot-savant half-ogre tinkerer, and I recommend at least one playthrough with a low-int or idiot-savant char. You miss out on a lot of the plot and quests, but what you do get to see is hilarious.
  14. xElatOth

    xElatOth New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2009

    nOw THAT is FunNy shIT :lol:
  15. xElatOth

    xElatOth New Member

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    Apr 3, 2009
    my 2 cents

    whAt's uP everYonE?

    I currently am running through the game with 2 characters: (although they are on pause until Drog's rez patch is done)

    1) A gnome mage with master dodge and some melee that specializes in persuasion/cha and the schools of necromancy and conveyance.
    - persuasion characters are great, but I must admit this is kind of a cookie-cutter build and is way too easy

    2) A dwarf techie (raised by monks) specializing in dodge + throw + electrical. I use a boomerang at the start (no ammo worries) and will be upgrading to the elephant gun when I get there. Also with the electrical path you get the added dex rings and the Tesla rod... hmmm CrISpY!
    Add in some grenades, dyno and 2 or 3 points into melee for the axe as a backup and not much is gonna take ya on.

    Now if only I could afford all that as well as persuasion/cha I would be SOOOOOO happy!
  16. Arthgon

    Arthgon Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2007
    Why do some people think that gravedigging, and double posting is a good thing? *stands ready to shove the shovel again*
  17. xElatOth

    xElatOth New Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2009
    I am not sure. Why do some people criticize others for no reason whatsoever?

    Ok, as far as the double-post.. you are right. It was not meant to be offensive or as a means to boost a post count. I was simply mulit-tasking and forgot to mention both comments in 1 post. I do that sometimes, but will be sure to be more careful in the future...

    However, you are way off-base as to the other charge:

    I mean, perhaps someone was looking through the forums and saw an interesting thread. Perhaps that person has decided to re-play Arcanum and was looking for fresh character ideas...

    Perhaps others should understand that unless a thread is closed by the moderator, it is still viable to be answered in.

    I will NEVER understand certain pseudo-thread nazis...

    I mean, if I had offended someone or posted an insult laden derogatory reply... fine, but to try and deride me for partaking in a thread that happens to be old because you feel that is untoward... well, good sir.. shame on you!
  18. TheDavisChanger

    TheDavisChanger Well-Known Member

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    Feb 6, 2009
    I wish I could answer these questions for you, xElatOth, but I don't understand the reasons myself.

    I agree that the double-post animosity stems from people trying to up their reply counts without contributing much. As this can be avoided with a simple edit to the originaly post, it seems reasonable enough to ask people not to do this.

    Concerning the gravedigging, the only objection I could justify is that refreshing old threads keeps them from being autodeleted by some function that deletes the thread once it has been stale for some predetermined amount of time. Creating a redundant thread as opposed to resurrecting a relevant one just doesn't make sense to me.

    The way I see it you have two options. You can either abide by the rules already established or you can continue however you like. Who knows, the powers that be might determine that your offenses aren't worth banning you over and you may change things here.
  19. DarkFool

    DarkFool Nemesis of the Ancients

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2005
    Whee. Another new guy to educate.

    Incorrect. You earned it. Next!
    Incorrect. Any thread that's more than a month old is considered grave digging. In some of the busier sections, a one week rule will be enforced. Depends upon who sees the grave dig first.
    Then I welcome you to hell.
    Shame on you. We try not to let people dig things up because, while your post is actually theoretically useful, too many people dig up threads (the modding forum is a decent example) and either ask questions of people who've been gone for several years, or they go "WHAT HAPPENED 2 DIZ PROJEKT? IZ IT DUN?!" and then we get angry. This place isn't friendly. I'd apologize, but I'm perhaps the biggest offender when it comes to being an asshole to new people. I think it's one of those things that just trickles down the ladder.

    This clear things up? If you don't understand us, don't worry. We do things our way, and we don't care about your opinion on things. Each forum is a little different in how they handle things. Try reading the stickies here and in the GD. Learn or be chased away. :)

    P.s: welcome to the forum!
  20. Xiao_Caity

    Xiao_Caity New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 11, 2005
    We don't like gravedigging. As far as I can tell, there isn't an auto-delete function here (or it's so inefficient as to be useless, because I can still find posts from years before I joined). So. Don't gravedig. Assume that if it's over a month old, bringing it back will get you hurt.

    Really, is it too much to ask people to use their common sense? There is a FAQ on this forum, it's easy as hell to find, so please go and READ IT NOW before posting anything else anywhere. GO.
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