you need 9..
I use the inn in tarant when i need to get stuff from there when i am out of town i just teleport to tarant get what i want and teleport out.
yes its good but you might need to put a limit up for example you might find a monster at the beginning of the game with a lot of hit points...
running away sometimes to recover with health/fatigue items in peace is a good idea and if you use a gun or bow which require ammo you might run...
1.i think its one of your items doing it i think one of the helmets reduces your dx by 1. 2. either wrong offering or out of order.
well ca has some bad problems and about Arnold hes a joke but he is still ok at least he won't take bribes he has so much money from the movies....
and you need to be level 22 or higher but u r a high enough character so level is not a problem. :D
move away from that area then get out of combat mode i have to do that sometimes when you get out of combet mode your followers summons will...
i guess it would give lockpick another use get out of jail. :razz:
gnomes own tarant..
lol :lol: you should not encourge people to spam.
well undead are great for leveling up because they keep coming back to life.
yes that would be very good. :-)
i agree i think it would be much better if you could move you ship around on water as if your character changed to a ship when you and your...
:x too bad blazer2002
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