
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Madness, Jan 26, 2007.

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  1. Madness

    Madness New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 6, 2006
    In Survival Crisis Z, getting a certain amout of points in arcade mode unlocks you the zmlgame.exe. I played the custom created one, and it was awesome. I tried to make one myself and it did work. I'm still working on it... Well, I'm wondering if anyone has a zmlgame that they'd share. Cuz making games rock.
  2. Madness

    Madness New Member

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    Jul 6, 2006
    I call this "Horror at Vacation City"

    Press Alt+A to make new missions and Copy and paste this into you zmledit.exe. Save it and play your SCZ game and type zmlgame, and select the game you want. It's quite fun.

    You have your hopes on your vacation at Vacation City. If all the hotel rooms of Vacation Resort aren't used up... You've got all your luggage packed and you are ready to go. You even woke up and started driving at 6:00 AM<br>
    Holy Crap. You whisper to yourself.<br>
    A dead body impaled to a stake, decorating the road, kindly greets you while you drive through Route 665...<br>
    You shake your head and wonder what the heck is happening over at the city.<br>
    You then come to an intersection of roads. There are three signs. Route 665 to the north, DO NOT ENTER TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT ON SIGHT to the east, and Freeway 178 is under construction from 4AM-2PM to the west.<br>
    Where will you go?<options>
    You turn to get on Freeway 178 ignoring the sign.<br>
    Unfortunately there was a bulldozer in the middle of the road... Collision on Freeway 178.<br>
    THE END</178>
    You make a stupid turn and pass the sign that read (as in red) DO NOT ENTER Seriously, you smashed the sign...<br>
    While steering to through the empty road you can hear dozens of bullets wizzing by...<br>
    A bullet knocks you straight in the head and your lifeless body gets flung out of the car.<br>
    You lay there...<br>
    You decide to follow Route 665...<br>
    You finally reach the city entrance. A large, concrete sign north of you reads...<br>
    Welcome to Vacation City.<br>
    However you do notice blood on the sign... Where will you go?<options>
    You decide to screech your car around...<br>
    While burning rubber, your speedometer is getting out of control, you don't know what's going on here.<br>
    You now have no control over your wheel, all the doors lock, the windows roll up, and you can't move your body.<br>
    The car is moving by itself, going through a bridge. Literally, it goes through the concrete railing and you fall into the murky, dark red waters.<br>
    THE END</offroad>
    You enter Vacation City in surprise; it looks like no ones here after all...<br>
    You can hardly see anything in front of you... But you can slightly see the sign behind you to the south.<br>
    However, all you could see of the concrete sign had somehow crumbled to the ground, shutting you off from the only known way out...<br>
    Where will you go?<options>
    You walk to a warehouse and you get this eerie feeling in your gut...<br>
    However, you continue forward...<br>
    The door locks behind you when you enter the warehouse...<br>
    You cannot get out of the warehouse now.<br>
    There are two rooms, and you see a radio on the ground.<br>
    Will you go to the room to your left, or to the right?<options>
    You walk into the room to your left.<br>
    As you open the door, a sudden feeling of comfort rushes through your brain.<br>
    The look in the room, there's nothing.<br>
    You consider going back out of the room, but then you take a second look at the room.<br>
    There is a huge comfy chair in the middle of the room.<br>
    You are somehow being lured by an unseen force to sit on the furniture.<options>
    You sit on the chair... You don't see or feel anything wrong with it, it feels like you are floating on a cloud, but then you scrutinize at the wall.<br>
    A famous painting suddenly appears on it. However, you do not feel any shock in your body. You are somehow drawn to staring at the painting, and you do not know why...<br>
    You are thinking... Michelangelo? Raphael? Or was it Leonardo?<options>
    You have no desire to get up from the chair, you are still staring at the painting, until it's eyes move towards yours.<br>
    You are somehow slowly losing consciousness and at the same time, you find it hard to breath.<br>
    However, in the end...<br>
    You feel no pain...<br>
    THE END</chair2>
    You cautiously move towards the room on your right... But then you hear a noise.<br>
    This... *static* ...gonna die... *static* ...not gonna survive th... *static* ...ombies. Argh...*static*<br>
    The radio shuts off by itself. You then hear gun fire from the room you are moving towards.<br>
    At first the room looked normal, but then blood appeared out of nowhere and you see a dead body of a SWAT officer and his machine gun laying right next to him.<br>
    An evil face suddenly appears in your mind.<br>
    You are holding your head to get rid of it, but the evil presence inside this warehouse is too strong. Your body dies, but somehow your eyes survive.<br>
    The last thing you see is a dozen or more monsters tearing the flesh off your bones...<br>
    THE END</room2>
    There are two towers sitting in front of you. These are where all the tourist are supposed to go in the summer, but...<br>
    You know...<br>
    There is a tower with the letter A on it, and a tower on the right which is, excuse me, used to be Vacation Resort, with the letter B on it.<br>
    Where will you go?<options>
    You enter tower one, you have never went here before, but you can make out an elevator in the dark.<br>
    Will you enter the elevator in front of you, or walk out of the tower from behind?<options>
    You walk into the elevator..<br>
    A sign in the elevator says Floor 3 is out of order.<br>
    Which floor will you go to?<options>
    The elevator opens you up to Floor 2.<br>
    You walk out of the elevator. You can hear a distant shuffling from something... Or someone...<br>
    You then stare at the ceiling. The roof is collapsing.<br>
    It falls straight on your head. It happened too quick.<br>
    THE END</t12>
    The elevator door does not open it is jammed.<br>
    However, you can see an unworldly glow on the Button 4.<br>
    None of the other buttons seem to work.<options>
    The elevator opens you up to Floor 4.<br>
    You walk out of the elevator. You discover yourself on the roof.<br>
    There is a large helicopter. You do not sense any presence of evil here.<br>
    Will you enter the helicopter in front of you, or go back into the elevator?<options>
    You enter the helicopter, and begin to fly out of the forsaken city...<br>
    You finally escaped.<br>
    Wait a minute... You hear a screeching noise in the back of the helicopter.<br>
    What will you do? Search the back, or use a parachute to get out of the helicopter?<options>
    You decide to search the back of the helicopter for just a moment...<br>
    You find out there is a strange mini dinosaur like creature in the back. You grab a shotgun you found in the back to kill the monster<br>
    You try to pull the trigger... Darn it, the safety's on.<br>
    By the time you could off the safety and squeeze the trigger, the monster had already clawed half your face off.</backheli>
    You decide to take a chance, you kick open one of the helicopter doors, grab yourself a parachute, and jump off.<br>
    Right before you jumped off however, a mini dinosaur clawed a piece of your parachute...<br>
    You are now 10,000 feet in the air. Decreasing... Fast...<br>
    However, before you reach the ground, your parachute gets stuck in a tree, right outside of Vacation City.<br>
    You manage to get your parachute off, and you safely fall to the ground. You then manage to find your car and you escape from Vacation City as fast as you could.</para>
    You walk into Vacation resort, you walk to the receptionist desk, where the receptionist is about as dead as Elvis.<br>
    You grab the phone on the desk and call 911, however, while doing so, the receptionist grabs your arm and gnaws it off.<br>
    She continues to do that to your whole body.<br>
    THE END</tower2>
    You walk into what looks like the middle of the city, or the city square. You look at the city thinking that this used to be such a beautiful city, but now...<br>
    You sit next to a stone roman fountain and ponder your next decision.<options>
    You see a manhole with a ladder leading down into the green liquid of the sewers, this must be the slum part of town judging by the crummy apartments.<br>
    Where will you go?<options>
    You climb into the sewers, there is mushy liquid at your feet, making it hard to walk.<br>
    Something knocks you in the head. Making you stagger to the ground.<br>
    The green mush flies everywhere as you fall in the green river.<br>
    You cannot get up. The liquid goes up your nose and mouth and up into your brain.<br>
    You cannot breath…<br>
    THE END</sewer>
    You decide to go the east. You are going down a long road.<br>
    Until, finally, you can make out a farmhouse in the darkness of the night to the east.<br>
    Where will you go?<options>
    You cautiously enter the farmhouse.<br>
    You don't see anything unusual about the place and decide to leave, until...<br>
    An animated pitchfork from the wall stabs you through the chest.<br>
    You blood turning the hay on the ground from yellow to red.<br>
    Before you die from blood loss, you look around and see the pitchfork is hanging from where it was originally.<br>
    Where you just imagining it?<br>
    You couldn't be...<br>
    You died.<br>
    THE END</farm>
    You get to the part of town that looks like the suburbs.<br>
    There are ten houses here.<br>
    Where will you go?<options>
    You walk into the house.<br>
    It's as if someone is watching you...<br>
    Someone hits a hammer on your head...<br>
    It was too fast, you didn't know what happened.<br>
    Your head popped, blood gushing everywhere.<br>
    THE END</house>
    You walk into house number 7. There is a strange old man there.<br>
    Hello, I've been waiting for you... I've been waiting for someone to teach my magic to, and pass on my skills. You have come at the right time. Said the old man.<br>
    He teaches you magic, and you learn to teleport away from the city.</magic>
    You enter the parking lot... Zombies are, however, crowding next to all the cars but one.<br>
    It is a blue Toyota with a license plate NEXTIMESUB7. You have no idea what it means, but it has the keys in the ignition. So, oh well.<br>
    You hop in the car, and find another road out of the city.</parkinglot>
    You head for a huge building, passing dozens and dozens of copses while trying to get to the front door.<br>
    One zombie, however, managed to bite you in the leg, but you managed to kick his head off.<br>
    You enter the huge building, and you are politely greeted by machinegun fire.<br>
    You fall to the ground, and all you can hear is...<br>
    Sarge, you killed him. He was human<br>
    No, he wasn't. Look at the color of his eyes...<br>
    THE END</indoor>
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Does it exist a cheat or something like that so that I can get zmlgame.exe?
  4. Madness

    Madness New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 6, 2006
    Yeah, you have to get some points in arcade mode, I dunno how much. But is really easy.
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