Unofficial Arcanum Patch 1.5 is out!

Discussion in 'Arcanum Discussion' started by Drog Alt, Oct 1, 2019.

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  1. Drog Alt

    Drog Alt Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 30, 2010
    The fundraising campaign was successful and the $500 stretch goal has been reached. The long awaited new version of the Unofficial Arcanum Patch is now available.

    First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for the support. You guys are amazing! Keep this going and we will do some truly amazing things with this game!

    The highlights of this release include:
    - Everything is now in one pack, no need to follow any installation guide anymore.
    - A huge amount of extra animations has been restored from an earlier build of the game, there are now downwards attack animations for all weapon/armor/shield combinations, as well as for most enemies. There are also animations for walking with your weapons out.
    - Much longer and higher quality ambient tracks have been restored from an earlier build of the game.
    - All official DLC (7 modules in total including the rare Lost Dungeon of Souls) are now included in the patch. High quality townmaps have been compiled for all of them, including the stock Vormantown.
    - There's now a selection of beta content restoration modules as well as miscellaneous popular mods such as "Virgil's Debug Menu", all optionally selectable in the installer.
    - You can now disable your party members auto-level scheme and distribute their points manually. This includes summoned and mind controlled creatures.
    - All party members can now craft, simply right-click on their portrait and choose "Schematics".
    - The high resolution patch has now been updated with 32 bit color depth support ensuring better compatibility with Windows 10.
    - Music is now available in all modules, not just the base game.
    - Added a '-cheatmode' command line switch that re-enables the official cheats.
    - Some fixes for certain popular exploits have been rolled back.
    - As usual, there are many new bug fixes and content restorations.

    You can grab the patch and see the full changelog on the official UAP page.
    Barabbah and Dark Elf like this.
  2. Yrvyne

    Yrvyne New Member

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    Mar 27, 2019
    Dear Drog, in hopes that you resurface, I wish to bring to your attention the following typos. Meanwhile, thanks for the latest UAP. Hopefully, 2.0 will see the light of day.

    "Are not you" should read "Are you not"

    "you don't so do" should read "you don't do so"



    This is from the invensource.mes found after undatting "Arcanum 5.dat". I did not change "Socity" to "Society" for fear that in doing so I would scramble code elsewhere.
  3. Barabbah

    Barabbah Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 1, 2019
    My huge compliments to this masterpiece!
    Two small question: does it include the Dusty Dunes module patch? And the Dungeon Crawl module?
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