How to heal a technologist?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by twicereflected, Jun 11, 2011.

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  1. twicereflected

    twicereflected New Member

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    Jun 11, 2011
    So, I've been playing Arcanum for ages, mostly magick characters, and I'm about to make a half-ogre melee technologist. But the thing that's always bothered me about technology is that healing for it sucks. I keep Jayna around to make pots, but magic is so much easier, with Virgil and his heal spells. It happens automatically and there's no purchasing and crafting pots.

    However, the obvious ease of magic healing and the difficulty of technology healing has made me wonder that maybe I'm missing the equivalent technology healing? As a technologist do you really have to rely on pots? Is there a good strategy so that they don't become tedious? Or have I been doing things right, and that's as good as it gets?

    Thanks all.
  2. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

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    Apr 20, 2009
    Playing technology characters tend to be more difficult in many areas but they also tend to be the most rewarding game experiences.
  3. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    You're right there is an easier method, technologists can heal each other with love. It's a little known fact, but it's true.

    No seriously making pots is pretty much the only method; I think you're exaggerating how much of a pain collecting Karuda Stems and Ginka Roots is because you're so used to magic, stick with it and you'll probably feel better about it soon enough. If you go back to the Crash Site you'll literally find a ton, also most herbalists stock them for a couple of gold each most days and if you stop randomly in a foresty area of the world map you'll usually find a couple at a time. Apart from that if you want a really good healer you could make a medical arachnid, which heals you fully without the use of any of its own fatigue (so it almost has better healing capabilities than Virgil sans resurrection), or you also get given one in the following quest:

    Maxim in Caladon will give you one if you complete his quest, presumably you know about this already if you've played the game a few times before.

    Hope that was some help.
  4. Muro

    Muro Well-Known Member

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    May 22, 2007
    Bandages and the Heal skill deserve a mention in this thread, too.

    Would be more effective if followers without any Heal skill didn't insist on using up all the bandages they carry whenever someone gets a paper cut, though.

    Healing salves are usually more than enough. Collect and buy all the Kadura Stems and Ginka Roots you can find, make one of your followers a walking storehouse of those plants and never worry about healing again.

    Those plants are so ubiquitous, selling excessive healing salves becomes a stable source of income quite early on.
  5. Zanza

    Zanza Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2009
    I used to sell eyegear early on.
  6. twicereflected

    twicereflected New Member

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    Jun 11, 2011
    It's that whole using pots for a bandaid that makes it a pain too. And I know the stems are available everywhere, but to me, it's the most annoying part of the game.

    I can't remember if I've used the medical arachnid before. I feel like I might have, but I'm not sure. I usually play arcanum to the end, then get bored, and leave it for 6 months, when I return and do it again. This hasn't done much for me remembering what I've learned/done.
  7. Jojobobo

    Jojobobo Well-Known Member

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    May 29, 2011
    Well you can just buy healing salves too. Transit back and forth between the general store in Tarant and the herbalist for about five days and you should easy have 20+ healing salves if you purchase the plants from the herbalist too. I know it's not as convenient as the heal spell, but it's hardly too bad and bear in mind with the heal spell you have to wait for an hour if you drain all of your/Virgil's/Raven's fatigue till they can heal again so it's not perfect either. Maybe I don't see it as a problem because when I first played the game I started with technological characters so it was never an issue for me it was just what you had to do to heal, then when I started with magical characters obviously the healing is better but I still didn't resent what you had to do with technological characters because that was normal to me anyway. In my mind you have three options:
    • 1. Suck it up and stop griping about technological characters. Try to appreciate their other many benefits such as the endless tinkering and invention of unusual things that is made possible through tech.
      2. Go back to playing magic because it's obviously your preference.
      3. Make a mixed magical and technological character so you can have the best of both worlds. Often now it's what I do and it is great fun.
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