Translation toy!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Grossenschwamm, Sep 30, 2007.

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  1. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006

    It's pretty fun...especially if you find something to translate.

    My original text;

    Hell yes, I'll fight you in a heartbeat!

    The result, after nine translations to other languages and back to English;

    , I fight he hell in milkshake!

    I have no fucking idea how milkshakes entered the equation...but I was not dissapointed.

    This one is good, too;

    Original English Text:
    Fuck you, fuck your face, fuck your mother.

    The result;

    If you stop to keep fulled above, the kisses that their marks, kiss
    his to nut/mother.
  2. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    "I can't believe it! I mean, you and the zeppelin, and the fire! And the altar says that... do you have any idea what all of this means?"


    "I cannot believe it! It would wish to say, you and to zeppelin and the
    fire! Visualizations of and ponticello of the furnace... that each
    possible idea has, the this all EC of the ways?"
  3. Frigo

    Frigo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 21, 2006
    Lick my ass please.
    Lick my ass please.
    Let us lick mean donkeys please.
    Lecchiamo the medium asses please.
    Lecchiamo that the average donkeys satisfy.
    Lecchiamo that the average donkeys satisfy.
  4. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    Original English Text:
    To be or not to be, that is the question.

    Translated to Japanese:
    Translated back to English:
    For a certain or because it is not, that is question.

    Translated to Chinese:
    为确定或因为它不是, 那是问题。
    Translated back to English:
    In order to determine or because it is not, that is a question.

    Translated to French:
    Afin de déterminer ou parce qu'il n'est pas, cela est une question.
    Translated back to English:
    In order to determine or because it is not, that is a question.

    Translated to German:
    Um festzustellen oder weil es nicht ist, ist die eine Frage.
    Translated back to English:
    To determine over or because it is not, is the one question.

    Translated to Italian:
    Determinare eccessivo o perché non è, è l'una domanda.
    Translated back to English:
    To determine excessive or because it is not, is one asks.

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Para determinar excessivo ou porque não é, é um pede.
    Translated back to English:
    To determine extreme or because it is not, he is one asks for.

    Translated to Spanish:
    Determinar extremo o porque no es, él es uno pide.
    Translated back to English:
    To determine end or because it is not, he is one requests.
  5. Bunny

    Bunny New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 13, 2004
    Original English Text:
    Gross, your coolness is so hot that I find myself constantly gaping at you.

    Translated from French back to English:
    Rough, your freshness is so hot that I it lucky find myself baillant
    constantly with you.

    Translated from French back to English and then from German back to English:
    Roughly, your freshness is that I it the lucky discovery so hot, which
    is baillant with you constantly.

    Original English Text:
    Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

    Translated to German:
    Kopf und Schultern, Knie und Zehen, Knie und Zehen
    Translated back to English:
    Heading and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

    Translated to Italian:
    Intestazione e spalle, ginocchia e punte, ginocchia e punte
    Translated back to English:
    Heading and shoulders, ginocchia and stung, ginocchia and stung

    Translated to Spanish:
    Título y hombros, ginocchia y picado, ginocchia y picado
    Translated back to English:
    Title and shoulders, ginocchia and mincemeat, ginocchia and itched
  6. Blinky969

    Blinky969 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 8, 2003
    Original English Text:
    That bitch is slamming like the Laker's starting lineup.
    Translated to French:
    Cette chienne claque comme le lineup commençant du Laker.

    Translated back to English:
    This bitch snap like the starting lineup of Laker.

    Translated to German:
    Dieser Weibchenschnäpper wie die beginnende Aufstellung von Laker.

    Translated back to English:
    This Weibchenschnaepper like the list beginning of Laker.

    Translated to Italian:
    Questo Weibchenschnaepper gradisce l'inizio della lista di Laker.

    Translated back to English:
    This Weibchenschnaepper appreciate the beginning of the list of Laker.

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Este Weibchenschnaepper aprecia o começo da lista de Laker.

    Translated back to English:
    This Weibchenschnaepper appreciates the start of the stack of Laker.

    Translated to Spanish:
    Este Weibchenschnaepper aprecia el comienzo de la pila de Laker.

    Translated back to English:
    This Weibchenschnaepper appreciates the beginning of the battery of
  7. Grossenschwamm

    Grossenschwamm Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2006
    Original English Text:
    "Say it! Say you love eating red carpet!"

    "Gah...Eh..! I love eating red carpet!"


    Translated to French:
    "Say il ! Dites-vous amour mangeant le carpet!" rouge ;

    "Gah... hein. ! J'aime manger le carpet!" rouge ;

    "... Giggidy." ;

    Translated back to English:
    "Say it! You say love eating the red carpet!" "Gah...
    hein.! I like to eat the red carpet!" "... Giggidy."

    Translated to German:
    "Say es! Sie sagen Liebe das rote carpet!" essend;
    "Gah... hein.! Ich mag das rote carpet!" essen; "...

    Translated back to English:
    "Say it! They say the red to love carpet!" eating;
    "Gah... hein.! I may eat the red carpet!" "...

    Translated to Italian:
    "Say esso! Dicono il colore rosso per amare il consumo del
    carpet!" "Gah... hein.! Posso mangiare il carpet!"
    rosso; "... Giggidy."

    Translated back to English:
    "Say it! They say the red color in order to love the consumption
    of the carpet!" "Gah... hein.! I can eat the carpet!"
    red; "... Giggidy."

    Translated to Portuguese:
    "Say ele! Dizem a cor vermelha a fim amar o consumo do
    carpet!" "Gah... hein.! Eu posso comer o vermelho do
    carpet!" "... Giggidy."

    Translated back to English:
    "Say it! They say the red color the end to love the consumption
    of carpet!" "Gah... hein.! I can eat the red of
    carpet!" "... Giggidy."

    Translated to Spanish:
    ¡"Say él! Dicen el color rojo el extremo para amar la
    consumición del carpet!" ¡"Gah... hein.! Puedo comer el
    rojo del carpet!" "... Giggidy."

    Translated back to English:
    "Say he! They say to the red color the end to love the
    consumición of carpet!" "Gah... hein.! I can eat the red
    one of carpet!" "... Giggidy."
  8. Dark Elf

    Dark Elf Administrator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Original English Text:
    Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.

    Translated to French:
    Jamais dans le domaine du conflit humain tellement a été du par
    tellement beaucoup tellement à peu

    Translated back to English:
    Never in the field of the human conflict so much was by so much much
    so much with little

    Translated to German:
    Nie in auffangene der menschlichen $überschneidung war soviel
    durch soviel viel soviel mit wenig

    Translated back to English:
    Never into up fan genes of the human $$ueberschneidung>was as much as
    many by as much much with few

    Translated to Italian:
    Mai nei geni alti del ventilatore del $$ueberschneidung>was umano tan
    altretanto vicino tan molto con pochi

    Translated back to English:
    Never in the high geniuses of the fan of $$ueberschneidung>was human
    tan altretanto close tan the a lot with little

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Nunca nos gênios elevados do ventilador do fim humano tan do
    altretanto de $$ueberschneidung>was tan muito com pouco

    Translated back to English:
    Never in the high geniuses of the fan of the human end tan of
    altretanto of $$ueberschneidung>was tan very with little

    Translated to Spanish:
    Nunca en los altos genios del ventilador del final humano tan del
    altretanto de $$ueberschneidung>was tan muy con poco

    Translated back to English:
    Never in the high geniuses of the ventilator of the human end so of
    altretanto of $$ueberschneidung>was so very with little
  9. rroyo

    rroyo Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 13, 2006
    Original English Text:
    We the unwilling, led by the unqualified, have been doing the unbelievable for so long, with so little, that we now attempt the impossible with nothing.

    Translated to French:
    Nous le peu disposé, mené par l'incompétent, avions fait
    l'incroyable pour tellement longtemps, avec tellement peu, que nous
    essayons maintenant l'impossible avec rien.

    Translated back to English:
    Us it little laid out, carried out by the inefficient one, planes
    makes the incredible one for so much a long time, with so much little,
    that we test the impossible one with nothing now.

    Translated to German:
    Wir bildet es wenig, das, durchgeführt durch das wirkungslose
    ausgebritten wird, Flächen das unglaubliche während soviel einer
    langen Zeit, mit soviel wenig, daß wir das unmögliche mit nichts
    jetzt prüfen.

    Translated back to English:
    We forms it for little, which becomes executed, by the ineffective
    ausgebritten, surfaces the unbelievable during as much a long time,
    with as much few that we check the impossible with nothing now.

    Translated to Italian:
    Lo formiamo per piccolo, che sia eseguito, dall'inefficace
    ausgebritten, superfici il unbelievable durante tanto un molto tempo,
    con tan poco che ora controlliamo l'impossibile con niente.

    Translated back to English:
    We form for small, that it is executed, from ineffective ausgebritten,
    superficial unbelievable during a lot a much time, with tan little
    that hour we control the impossible one with nothing.

    Translated to Portuguese:
    Nós damos forma para pequeno, aquele que é executado, de ineficaz
    ausgebritten, inacreditável superficial durante muito muita estadia,
    com tan pouco que hora nós controlamos impossível com nada.

    Translated back to English:
    We give form for small, that one that is executed, of inefficacious
    ausgebritten, incredible superficial during very much stay, with tan
    little that hour we control impossible with nothing.

    Translated to Spanish:
    Damos la forma para pequeño, aquélla se ejecuta que, de
    inefficacious ausgebritten, superficial increíble durante mucho
    estancia, con el tan poco que hora controlamos imposible con nada.

    Translated back to English:
    We give the form for small, that one is executed that, of
    inefficacious ausgebritten, superficial incredible during much stay,
    with so little that hour we controlled impossible with anything.
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